The Garden After the Sunniest April Ever
Kind of blue. Compare all previous May Days. Those bluebells will be replaced by cabbages once the seedlings are big enough.
An occasional journal
Kind of blue. Compare all previous May Days. Those bluebells will be replaced by cabbages once the seedlings are big enough.
Shedloads of bluebells and only one tulip. Compare previous years. Last April was the second warmest and sunniest on our records. Admin1 is reading Sovereign by CJ Sansom.
…an April with the coldest, hottest and darkest April days since our records began. Compare the garden on all preceding May Days. Admin1 is reading The Beige Man by Helene Tursten. Admin2 is reading Smoke and Mirrors by Elly Griffiths, a whodunnit set around a pantomime in 1950s Brighton and refreshingly lacking in policemen with … Continue reading “The Garden After…”
The traditional May Day photo. Compare previous years. Last month was our second sunniest April ever recorded. Admin1 is reading The Revisionists by Thomas Mullen (something of a slog, and managed to make an interesting-sounding time-travel premise dull). Admin2 is reading Mark Steel’s in Town which is by Mark Steel and is about towns, or … Continue reading “The Garden after Neglecting to Plant Tulips”
Compare with years gone by.
Compare with earlier years. Admin1 is reading The Blood of Angels by Michael Marshall.
Compare with years gone by. Must. Plant. More. Tulips. Admin1 is reading Absolution Gap by Alastair Reynolds. Admin2 is reading The Inspector and Silence by Hakan Nesser.
Compare with the same scene from last year. We blame the chilly March. Admin2 is reading Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman.
The garden after the second coldest, third wettest and fourth least sunny April on our records, though yesterday was our warmest (20.1 °C) and sunniest (11.218kWh) day this year before the mist and clouds rolled in again. And the bluebells have overtaken the tulips once again, the magnolias are over, the foxgloves are gone but … Continue reading “May Day”
The garden after an April that was cooler and wetter than the last couple of Aprils and had absolutely average sunshine. Bluebells up, tulips down, magnolias still going, poppies in abeyance, foxgloves nonexistent and the cool black tulips hidden behind all the other stuff. Admin2 mowed the lawn but it sprung back up again. It’s … Continue reading “April Showers Bring May Flowers”
It has been ten years since we started uploading annual May Day pics of the garden after whatever weather was earlier. During that time the rain and sun have waxed and waned and the tulips and bluebells have slugged it out; tulips in the ascendant this year after an April that was our fourth sunniest … Continue reading “Ten Years After”
The garden after an April of freezing nights and the sunniest ever days (237.145kWh) and some heroic tulip planting by Auds and Bobs. Admin1 is reading Three Hours by Rosamund Lupton. And whatever the opposite of misanthropic is, this book was it — a real change from my last two. Set over three hours of … Continue reading “Tulip Time”