Distinctly three-dimensional cirrus.
Weather of the Day: Torrential rain
Sight of the Day: golden letterboxes
Sight of the Day: Fallen tree on main road
Sight of the Day: Google on the Go
Flowers of the day
Weather of the Day: Storm
Weather of the Day: Heavy shower
Cloud of the Day: Stratus opacus
Cloud of the Day: Cirrostratus radiatus with a dazzling sundog
Plant of the Day: Passion Flower
Cloud of the Day: Nimbostratus
Cloud of the Evening: Cumulus, Cirrus and more iridescence
Cloud of the Day: Iridescence
Admin1 took this lovely picture of iridescent morning cirrus
Clouds of the Day: Cumulus plus cirrus
Critters of the Day: Snails
Our garden is overrun with billions of these bastards, eating everything in sight and breeding like crazy. They love the wet weather. But the iridescent slime is quite interesting.
Weather of the Day: Rain, then more rain
Weather of the Day: Rain, then sun
Cloud of the Day: Steam
Critter of the Day: Nanofrog
Grown from the tadpoles of 12 May
Flowers of the Day: Municipal display
Cloud of the Day: Cumulus
Cloud of the Night: Noctilucent
Electric blue noctilucent clouds to the north, at about 12:30am. First sighting this year.
Crowd of the Day: Olympic Torch Relay
Hundreds of people gathered at the end of our street to celebrate Admin1’s birthday, though their view was somewhat spoilt by a procession of police cars, massive wagons filled with corporate cheerleaders for CocaCola, Samsung and LloydsTSB, and a woman in white holding aloft a massive lighter for Admin1’s birthday cake candles